1. Oxygen gas is absolutely colourles. However, both liquid and solid oxygen appears to actually be blue.
2. Did you know that your body consists of enough carbon to produce graphite for up to 10.000 pencils?
3. The hardest substance that your body contains is your tooth enamel.

4. The atoms in a bucket of water are MORE than the number of buckets that would take to fill the Atlantic Ocean with.

5. Thank god for sending us lightning bolts, because as they strike they produce ozone that enhances the ozone layer.

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6. Your body also contains about 250g of NaCl which is actually salt.

7. There is an actual possibility of you being killed by drinking too much water.

8. No matter how closely you scrutinize the periodic table you will not find a single J in it.

9. Dry ice has, frankly, nothing to do with water. It is the solid form of CO 2.

10. It has been known that Li (Lithium) was used in a whole bunch of psychoactive drugs, prescribed to patients with mental illnesses, as it can alter the way you think and therefore somehow cure them.

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Here is an extra fact!
11. The rarest substance on Earth is said to be Astatine. There are only 28 grams of it. And yes it is radioactive.

Well, these sure were interesting. Science is crazy! And that’s why we love it.
Be sure to check our other articles for more fun and interesting facts.