Dogs Terrified Of Completely Normal Things – Could these regular objects be any more frightening?!


1. “Please, don’t let the vacuum kill me!”

2. “A candle? No, candles are dangerous!”

3. “This spoon is threatening me!”

4. “Why is my butt leaking air? Help!”

5. Talk about an irrational fear.

6. “How dare you come into my house, cabbage!”

7. “Paula, for God’s sake they’re ganging up on me, help!”

8. “That’s not who I think it is. OK, yes it is. Julia Roberts, abort!”



9. “Back away little lamb!”

10. “Get those beautiful colored things away from me!”

11. “Oh, SH*T a teddy bear!”

12. “It’s chasing me, help!”

13. “Those eyes are drawn on — but they’re still staring at me!”

14. “What’s wrong with this dog’s mouth?!”

15. Ankle deep waves are super terrifying.

16. See, they’re every dog’s worst nightmare.



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