This is the Most Stupid Things You Can Buy From Ebay …..


Banana Guard , Britney Spears Half Eaten Sandwich ……

1. Britney Spears Half Eaten Sandwich
Really ?? OMG

Most Stupid Things You Can Buy From Ebay - Britney Spears Half EatenSandwich

2. Banana Guard
Because all of us want a Banana Guard

3. Jesus Toast
Before you eat that , i have to tell you something ….. this toast cost 28.000 $ …….

Most Stupid Things You Can Buy From Ebay - Jesus Toast

2. Ghost in a Jar
OMG I believe you …

1. A turtle poster from the movie ”Just Go with It” with Adam Sandler and Jennifer Aniston ….. Don’t Laugh ! This poster cost 13.500 $ …..
Most Stupid Things You Can Buy From Ebay - Turtle Poster


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