Geometric Paintings Suspended in Glass

Geometric Paintings Suspended in Glass

Artist Wilfried Grootens paints extraordinary figures comprised of dots and tendrils sandwiched between dozens of laminate glass layers. These strangely precise optical float paintings take on the form of some fantastic microscopic creatures and are sometimes...
64 Pictures Celebrating Japanese Candy Art

64 Pictures Celebrating Japanese Candy Art

[nextpage title=”1″ ] The Japanese have long established themselves as the experts of cute. When it comes to food, they can make it so awwdorable, that you will cry bitter tears blaming yourself for having eaten that sugary kitten. #1 Realistic Animal...
15 Insanely Hyper Realistic 3D Tattoos

15 Insanely Hyper Realistic 3D Tattoos

Tattoo art mastery has advanced to the point where tattoo artists can create convincing and sometimes even photo-realistic optical illusions on their clients’ skin. What’s so special about 3D Tattoos? 3D tattoos are very different from the rest of the tattoos as...
The Unique Beauty Of Black Foxes

The Unique Beauty Of Black Foxes

If you’ve never seen a black fox before, you’re not alone; these are actually red fox color morphs, making them more rare than their red-furred counterparts. Despite this, many still refer to these foxes as if they were a separate group altogether, calling...
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