Rare Animal Babies You’ve Never Seen Before – Even if you’re an animal lover, you probably meet only a fraction of all the 1,367,555 non-insect species identified on Earth. But don’t let this fact sadden you, think about all the interesting creatures you are yet to discover! We have introduced some of them in the past, but only their adult form.
From from a fluffy Southern Pudu fawn to a playful Baby Takin, these Rare Animal Babies will produce some “awwws” you haven’t experienced before.
37 Rare Animal Babies You’ve Never Seen Before Gallery
#1 Baby Fennec Fox
Source: Ahmed Elkadirii,In Cherl Kim
#2 Baby Axolotl
#3 Baby Pangolin
Source: Firdia LisnawatiKermitTheSnail
#4 Baby Quoll
Source: YoureNotAGenius
#5 Baby Tapir
Source: Amiee Stubbs / Nashville Zoo
#6 Baby Elephant Shrew
Source: Black Zack, Manchestereveningnews
#7 Southern Pudu Fawn
Source: Wcs
#8 Fluffy Honduran White Bat Baby
Source: James Storer, Hernani Oliveira
#9 Baby Sugarglider
Source: Loopdeloops
#10 African Bat-Eared Foxes
#11 Baby Dik-Dik
Source: Barcroft Animals
#12 Baby Okapi
Source: Brookfield Zoo
#13 Baby Tarsier
Source: Maragtas75
#14 Echidna Puggle
Source: Battlesmurf,Justin Benson-Cooper/Newspix/Rex Features
#15 Baby Gundi
Source: Joachim S. Müller
#16 Patagonian Mara Babies
Source: Artis Royal Zoo
#17 Baby Armadillo
Source: Cynthia
#18 Baby White-Nosed Coati
Source: Alea Christine
#19 Chacoan Peccary Baby
Source: Depositphotosalgar
#20 Baby Sunda Colugo
Source: Hendy Lie
#21 Baby Aardvark
Source: Andrew Bowden
#22 African Wild Dog Puppy
Source: Travel4wildlife.com
#23 Baby Bongo
Source: Stephanie Adams/Houston Zoo,Gareth Fuller
#24 Baby Aye-Aye / RIJA /
Source: David Haring Photography, David Haring
#25 Gerenuk Calf
Source: Tyler Corder, Mike Wilson
#26 Baby Mouse Deer
Source: Chester Zoo, Chester Zoo
#27 Sumatran Rhino Baby
Source: AP, Susie Ellis/International Rhino Foundation
#28 Baby Takin
Source: San Diego Zoo
#29 Baby Bactrian Camel
Source: Mark Dumont
#30 Greater Bilby Baby
Source: ABC Gold Coast, Damien Larkins, Perth Zoo
#31 Baby Civet
Source: Duci86
#32 Baby Lowland Streaked Tenrec
Source: Cliff
#33 Baby Sifaka
Source: The Maryland Zoo
#34 Baby African Bat
Source: Michael Curran and Mirjam Kopp
#35 Saiga Baby
Source: Rich Reading, babyanimalzoo.com/
#36 Babirusa Babies
Source: Ion Moe/sandiegozoo, http://animals.sandiegozoo.org/
#37 Baby Proboscis Monkey
Source: Phaterry Phaterry, Petr Bambousek