The Red Beach in China

The Red Beach in China

  Red Beach, located in Dawa County, Panjin, China, is famous for its landscape featuring the red plant of Suaeda salsa. It is based in the biggest wetland and reed marsh in the world. The landscape is composed of shallow seas and tide-lands. The sea weed growth...
33 Surrealistic artwork by Jacek Yerka

33 Surrealistic artwork by Jacek Yerka

[nextpage title=”1″ ] ABOUT YERKA BY HIMSELF I was born in Torun (city in Northern Poland) in 1952. My parents were students of local Fine Arts Academy. Thus I came to world with special heritage, even in double . My earliest memories refer to the smell of...
16 Book-Inspired Tattoos For Bookworms

16 Book-Inspired Tattoos For Bookworms

Book-Inspired Tattoos Talking about Book-Inspired Tattoos there are certain books that really get under your skin, and these book-lovers decided to literally do something about it. Some are subtle, just simple images or short phrases that only someone else who has...
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